Departement of export
Going to the excavations, searching for artifacts from the time of the war or coins of pre-revolutionary Russia, it is necessary to have thought of many things. A metal detector is a complex device and like any electronics it have a risk of destruction. It is unpleasant to be in an unusual situation, not being prepared for it. Even a simple discharge of batteries will force you to postpone searches to another time. Therefore, make sure in advance that the functioning of the device and battery level are always under your control and keep the entire set of spare parts for the AKA metal detector on you. For physical amenities and improving results of searches, it is recommended not to ignore optional accessories for AKA. Accessories such as a steel balancer that improves the mechanical balance of the metal detector, and also a bracket that makes it possible to place the control box in the armrest area and facilitate balancing when using large coils, greatly facilitate the work.