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Most people searching for treasures and archaeological values regard this activity as a hobby. As well as many fishermen, hunters, mushroom pickers, outdoor picnic enthusiasts, they generally do not strive for material gain, the main goal is to enjoy outdoor activities. Of course, there is an element of excitement in this kind of activity, because every seeker can unexpectedly stumble upon a find that has historical, material, cultural value.
Today there is a large selection of metal detectors that differ in user parameters. There are two main types of these devices: analog and digital. Metal detectors, the signal from the sensors of which is digitally processed, are classified as semi-professional and professional. Such products are usually chosen by experienced searchers who are well versed in the search for treasures, metal elements. Analog metal detectors are easy to use, setting up such devices is not difficult for a novice treasure hunter. Metal detectors of the analog principle of action react without time delays, in case of detection of metal elements alerting the operator instantly.
Most models of such cheap metal detectors have only the electromagnetic radiation power setting, which determines the amount of metal to which they will react. They are not equipped with a LCD screen, the signal is fed to headphones or an external speaker. By the volume / duration of the sound notification, you can judge the size / depth of the found metal element.
As well as digital models, many analog metal detectors for a beginner, for example, the “Pilgrim 7247” model, can discriminate targets and adjust the results depending on the degree of soil mineralization. This ability is provided by the presence of a faraday shield that protects the working elements of the metal detector - the coil - from the reaction to various small metal items — bottle caps, foil from packs of cigarettes and other litter that is not of interest to the searcher.
When choosing a cheap metal detector with an analog principle of operation, you should pay attention to the size of the working body - the coil disk. The larger this parameter, the higher the maximum sensitivity of a device.