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For different search conditions, tasks and goals, appropriate coils are used. The differences between the technical characteristics of the device often play a decisive role, and when planning search activities, it is necessary to take into account many factors.
Among them:
• littered area with metal slag;
• size, composition, depth of the desired items;
• mineral composition of the soil;
• relief.
The range of AKA metal detectors allows for productive searches, taking into account all conditions without exceptions. Search coils for AKA are presented in all types to meet the requirements, and you need to know for what tasks which type of coil is best suited. The device can be classified to diameter and frequency at which it operates.
When conducting searches, the frequency of the detector is of great importance, the range of which in AKA ranges from 3 to 20 kHz. Previously, almost all devices worked at one, an average frequency of 7-7.5 kHz, considered universal. These coils do perfectly with most of the tasks. Today, most metal detectors are equipped with standard detectors. Now we have the opportunity to simplify and speed up the search for items using the most suitable frequency for it. By changing the frequency, the seeker almost gets a device with new features that still needs to deal with them. It is important to remember that the higher the frequency of the coil, the better the device will detect small objects in the soil. High frequency coils at 14 - 20 kHz are well suited for coin search. At a low frequency of 3 kHz, it is good to search for artifacts of a larger size and mass, such as battle helmets, weapons, cast-iron from the Second World War.
It is impossible to select the optimal type of unit without presupposing what the relief of the area being worked is and at what depth the desired objects can lie. To take all these factors into account, it is important to choose the right diameter of coil for AKA metal detectors.
Small diameter is ideal for working in a woodland with an abundance of protrusions, hills, uneven terrain and heterogeneity of the soil. A device with a diameter of 10 inches at a high frequency can easily find valuable coins even at great depths. The larger the diameter of the detector, the more even surface it needs for fruitful work. The 15-inch coil easily explores large areas, responding to large and small objects.