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If it is necessary to upgrade the АКА metal detectors, it is always better to contact qualified professionals. Usually they work in the service center of the company. Of course, if you have the necessary knowledge in the field of electronics, you can do it yourself. Moreover, many devices, for example, “AKA Berkut-5”, have such an opportunity and no special equipment for reflashing is required. For such a procedure, you will need a USB cable for reflashing the AKA device. Recall that it is an additional component that is purchased separately. It is worth considering the fact that in the case of a poorly executed procedure, you will automatically lose the guarantee, and in the worst case, the device will become unusable and considerable funds will be needed to restore it.
The firmware update procedure itself is quite simple, and resembles the BIOS flashing procedure for a personal computer. In addition to the connecting loop, you will need an archived document with special files that are responsible for the process. Similar software, as well as the entire firmware procedure, can be found on the Internet. When finished, be sure to re-configure the coils.