
The prices  on the site are presented only for wholesale trades for our representatives. We  are not engaged in retail trade, if you want  to buy a metal detector  at retail, you can select a necessary distributor in your country: Store addresses and official dealers AKA (aka-md.com)

   - Attention, we place on the international market only the devices listed in Schedule

depositphotos_52085915-stock-illustration-commercial-jet-plane-airline-flying.jpg Departement of international trade

- To get to know about the possible methods of payment and delivery, click the link: https://aka-md.com/help/
- To put a request for the wholesale prices of metal detectors, contact us by mail or WhatsApp

You manager for export - Aruna

ыс.jpg +79060439966



sozdanie-sistem-zashchity-korporativnoy-elektronnoy-pochty.jpg aka.metal.detectors@gmail.com

You manager - 

ыс.jpg +79060436622

1680010407_pushinka-top-p-dvizhushchiesya-avatarki-v-telegram-instag-43.png +79060436622

sozdanie-sistem-zashchity-korporativnoy-elektronnoy-pochty.jpg metaldetectorsaka@gmail.com
Weshat оформление copy.jpg

Export Director - Alexey Bikeev (Only for technical issues)

ыс.jpg +79037991510


sozdanie-sistem-zashchity-korporativnoy-elektronnoy-pochty.jpg akadetector@gmail.com

Download the package of documents for dealers

 D1.png  D2.png 0adfeffe476ac0adf2f9193e84521e1f.png 0adfeffe476ac0adf2f9193e84521e1f.png

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Download archive

- To find out wholesale prices for dealers, send us request to mail.
Terms of shipment of goods outside the Russian Federation.
In connection with the Customs legislation of the Russian Federation, the shipment of goods containing non-linear components (radio components) to the external market is carried out only upon the issuance of a special examination, which means that this product cannot be involved in the development of weapons of another country.

Reference: https://minprom.ru/uslugi/eksportnyj-kontrol-i-tovary-dvojnogo-naznacheniya/tovary-dvojnogo-naznache...
The cost of the examination is 300 $. (regardless of the quantity of goods shipped).

In bulk shipments, we have already included this amount in the dealer price. Bulk shipments of goods are made only from a legal entity to a legal entity. If you want to purchase a test version of a metal detector or buy any product at retail, then we ship the goods only as an individual to an individual.
We also help our distributors sell our metal detectors in their countries. If you make an order in bulk, when there are more retail calls from your country, we will send buyers to our distributors.
Export Director
Alexey Bikeev.